
14 Laugh Out Loud Stories as Told by Library Employees 

14 stories from library employees that will have you giggling and kicking your feet right along with us.

We’ve all been there – browsing through the library shelves with our friends, looking for our next read for the summer. Maybe you let out a little giggle or said something a little too loudly. And then… it happened. You got shushed. 

Libraries are often thought to be a notoriously serious place, filled with studying students and stern librarians. However, maybe that reputation is nothing more than a bad rep. Because just like any job that deals with the general public, library employees have stories that will have you giggling and kicking your feet. 

So, here are 14 moments shared by library employees that will have you laughing out loud right along with us:

1. Imagine a man with a buzz cut and broad shoulders – your typical Marine. Despite his bravado, he seems a little out of place. And, when he flagged down a library employee he whispered that he needed to find a copy of Major Underwear for his kid. 

He was looking for Captain Underpants

2. When library staffers noticed an odd smell and a little smoke coming from one of the aisles, they went to investigate. Imagine their surprise when they found a group of teenagers trying to light Takis corn chips on fire. When confronted, the teens said they were only trying to toast them. 

Apparently, the already spicy chips weren’t hot enough for these kids!

3. Children’s story time is always an employee favorite. During one in particular, the book asked the children to match the feet pictured to the animal they belonged to. Imagine the librarian’s surprise when a picture of fluffy squirrel feet with claws prompted one of the children to guess that the feet belonged to their dad. 

Maybe their dad has fuzzy squirrel slippers? That’s definitely our hope! 

4. While browsing the aisles around the circulation desk, an elderly man’s pants fell down around his ankles. He didn’t notice right away and stayed that way for several moments. And, when he finally did notice, he simply pulled them up casually and then walked over to check out his new books. 

Can we all aspire to be as unbothered as him? 

5. A librarian was approached by a man seeking assistance. He described to them a picture he was looking for of a large rock. After gathering a little bit more information, the man revealed the picture showed a rock with a lot of blue and green on it, and it appeared to be in space. Earth. The man was looking for a picture of Earth. 

That’s some out-of-this-world service if you ask us. 

6. When a library goer was walking around looking confused, an employee approached and asked if there was anything they can assist them with. The customer then proceeded to ask if they knew where the library was. 

They were so, so close. 

7. When an architect came in with a drawing of a building he claimed to be designing, the librarian on shift asked how they could help him. The man then proceeded to request they scan the image to produce a floor plan and seemed perplexed when they explained that isn’t something they could do. 

Librarians are often able to work magic. But creating blueprints from nothing more than a drawing is not one of their superpowers. 

8. When one customer fell asleep, they began snoring so loudly that everyone could hear him. Of course, the employees couldn’t touch him, so they had to get creative on how to wake him up. They proceeded to drop heavy stacks of books near him to jostle him awake. 

We understand. Libraries are a relaxing place, and you’ll catch no judgment from us! Snooze away. 

9. Imagine a librarian’s surprise when they received an email response to a newsletter that was two years old. When they clicked into it, it was a complaint that the event outlined in the newsletter should be virtual and not in-person, as he couldn’t attend due to health risks. The event was from 2019. 

Although we do love a health-conscious patron. 

10. A group of teenage boys snuck through the library sticking cheese to every vertical surface they could find. They made sure to keep a lookout for the security cameras watching overhead. But, did not think of the employees that were watching them as well. 

Ahhh, the naivety of youth. 

11. Perpetrators aren’t always patrons. Not when one librarian shared the story of a volunteer that would walk behind the video shelves and let loose on very loud farts. 

Those are not soundproof, my friend. 

12. When a library employee wished one of their patrons a “good morning” and welcomed them to the library, the man proceeded to berate and reprimand them. 

Apparently, “good morning” is a step too far. 

13. A librarian staffer recalls one customer who would come into the library and go to the adult section. They later found out that he was going there to quietly “bless” the books. 

Isn’t that why we all go to the adult section? For “blessings”? 

14. When asked to leave the children’s section, one woman decided to rebuke “Satan” out of the librarian making the request. 

Apparently doing your job is one of the seven deadly sins. Jot that down. 

Libraries are one of the last great resources that are free to the public. They are filled with a wealth of information, and access to books of any genre. For many, they are a lifeline to the world of literature. 

And, while their usually serious reputation might be warranted, we’re hoping that the next time you go there, you might also find yourself with the gift of a free laugh as well. 

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