
Explore One Of Pennsylvania’s Oldest and Biggest Bookstores

Baldwin’s Book Barn is a family-owned independent bookstore in Philadelphia that is truly like no other, with 300,000 books in a 200-year old building.

Tucked away in Chester County is a five-story building absolutely packed to the brim with bookish delights. Baldwin’s Book Barn is an incredible must-visit location for any bookworm, with an insane amount of titles to choose from and vibes that are nothing short of immaculate.

The History of the Barn

Photo Credit: B Jefferson Bolender

The Book Barn was built in 1822. It’s a stunning, five-story building that is filled with perfect cozy nooks, a wood-burning stove, and shelf after shelf after shelf of books, maps, prints, and everything in between.

Prior to Baldwin’s parents setting up the barn, the two of them had an established book and collectible business in Wilmington, DE. They’d set the business up in 1934 and took the idea with them when they moved to Pennsylvania.

After arriving in the state, they converted the Old Milking House into a home for their family, and the stone barn became the bookstore and, for a short while, a country store museum.

Photo Credit: Daily Local News

The barn was opened in 1946 by Thomas Baldwin’s parents. Since then, Baldwin has been the proprietor of the beautiful bookstore. He has been labeled as a ‘guardian of literary tradition,’ having willingly taken the reins from his father. Thomas’ efforts to ensure that the store’s quirks and unique atmosphere are clear and the historic building is still steeped in charm to this day.

Thomas isn’t just brilliant at maintaining the interior of the store, but he has received high praise for his capabilities as a salesman. Not only does he have a delightfully warm personality, but he has a near-encyclopedic knowledge and is often found engaged in riveting conversation with his customers.

What’s Inside?

Baldwin’s Book Barn has five floors, all lined with shelves. It’s home to some 300,000 books, antiques, and rare artifacts. In between all of it are perfectly designed cozy nooks where bibliophiles can enjoy the warmth of the wood-burning stove as they flick through books old and new, surrounded by the smell of pages and the quiet chatter of like-minded folk.

Photo Credit: Carol M. Highsmith

While the outside of the store is unapologetically a barn, the inside of Baldwin’s Book Barn is like a maze. It’s packed with books, so much so that they couldn’t fit more in the walls of the historic building if they tried. For people who love the feeling of getting lost in the stacks, it’s heaven.

Due to its age, the layout of the barn is somewhat deceptive. Just as you think you’ve reached the end of a floor, or you’re back where you started, there’s another room or another stack. It’s almost as if the building itself presents you with more opportunities, and more antiquities, just in case you’ve not found what you’re looking for yet.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

There are also hidden rooms behind shut doors (always labeled, mind) that have been shut to keep the breeze out. As a 200-year-old building, the barn isn’t the warmest, so Thomas has had to resort to shutting some of his rooms’ doors to keep the rest of the store as warm as possible. Even with the help of the wood-burning stove, in the winter, the barn can be quite a cool place to explore!

For those who don’t want to get lost in the stacks — don’t fret. There are maps of the store available and one pinned to the wall by the entrance for readers to reference.

Ghosts Like To Read Too

One of the ever so slightly less common finds within the Baldwin Book Barn is otherworldly spirits. Plenty of shoppers have reported a chill in the air that makes their hair stand up on the back of their neck, or a sudden shiver that they can’t explain.

Photo Credit: Anna C. / Yelp

In a building as old as the barn, it’s hard to avoid it. Reports of ghosts vary from an old Quaker man sitting in a rocking chair with a newspaper to a young woman who has been seen roaming the halls, searching the stacks.

The staff at the store are well aware of the extra guests, simply describing them as ‘good ghosts.’

Is It Worth The Trip?

Plenty of bibliophiles have a list of must-visit bookstores. Should you add this one to your list?

It seems that the answer is a resounding yes. Well, so long as you’re happy to take proper winter attire if it’s in the colder months!

Photo Credit: Amanda Brady

With rave reviews pretty much everywhere, it’s clear why Baldwin’s Book Barn has been going since the 1940s. It’s the perfect spot to rummage for an out-of-print or antique book, with a group of staff that really care about their job and the place they work.

With books ranging from the 1800s to modern fiction, across genres like Philosophy, Chinese texts, and all sorts of other non-fiction, the Barn is a brilliant bookstore and only a short drive from central Philadelphia.

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