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Category: Arts & Culture

Books are making the biggest cultural come back of the 21st Century taking the centre stage in the arts scene.

Embark on a captivating journey through mesmerizing artworks that bring the magic of reading to life. From the eager anticipation in Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s piece to the thought-provoking commentary by Kerry James Marshall, each painting reveals how literature can transform us across different cultures and time periods.


A lot of us have a love-hate relationship with Winter. We anticipate cozy nights by the fire with a good book, sipping comforting delicious winter warmers, snuggled into wooly socks and heated blankets, whilst awaiting the first settled snow on the ground. Early nights seem inviting. Eventually, however, the cold winter nights become dark and …


Aah. The sound of rain. Is there anything more inviting for a book lover but a rainy day to stay home, cozy it up with a warm blanket, a hot cup of cocoa, a candlelit ambiance and a book. Sadly, as we enter Spring, we’re saying goodbye to the rainy season to make way for …


“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.” As bookworms, bibliophiles, or ravenous readers — whichever term you choose for yourself — don’t we experience so many mind-blowing realities? The Dune books by Frank Herbert have often been described as life changing or at least modifying readers’ outlook on …

A pile of old books

I love a used bookstore. An old windowed door tucked into an unassuming city block, worn carpet with faded caution tape marking unexpected stairs between rooms full to bursting with shelves and tables of books. Here and there, barely used hardcovers almost shimmer; small beacons amidst volumes that have settled into the distinctive yellow of …


Springtime brings with it a celebration that unites the globe: International Children’s Book Day. Originating in 1967, this cherished tradition is primarily celebrated by schools and libraries, which each year a wide range of creative programs are put in place to spark a passion for reading among young minds. For them, books serve as an …


Imagine: You’re curled up in your reading nook with an inviting novel. As you become engrossed in the story, imagination takes centre stage. You’re transported to another realm, swept up in the delight of the story, and reality fades away. That is the essence of “Elysian.”

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