
The Analog Lifestyle is Coming Back

Take a break from your screen and boost your creativity with these nostalgic analog alternatives.

Picture a world with no chargers, no notifications, and no monthly subscription fees. Pretty nice isn’t it? Sure, a physical book is bulkier than an e-reader but there’s something so wonderfully old-fashioned about marking your page with a bookmark and don’t even get us started on the smell of a book. Incorporating analog activities into daily life can give us a much-needed break from our screens and force us not to get so caught up in the constant hustle and bustle.

The Times They Are A-Changing

David Sax, author of “The Revenge of Analog” and “The Future is Analog” noticed an interesting shift since smartphones, streaming services, and social media took over: the more we rely on digital technology for work, learning, and socializing, “the more we seek out analog alternatives as a balance or a different way of engaging with the world.” And while it may seem this trend is being driven by older generations who are nostalgic, it’s actually the younger generation who may have never even countered this technology in the first place at the forefront of the shifting trends.

What Are Analog Alternatives?

Analog practices have everything to do with opting for the less efficient way of doing something, especially something done for pleasure.

These alternatives allow people to reassess their relationship with time and kick the idea that we always have to be productive. But what activities are we talking about specifically? Here are a few of our personal favorites.

Vinyl Records

Vinyl records have been making a decade-long comeback, even surpassing CD sales for the first time since the 80s. If you’re a millennial, then you probably remember the sheer joy of downloading an entire album and then burning it onto a CD, while simultaneously accidentally downloading a number of viruses to the family computer, from there, streaming services were a welcome improvement.

But for many who may not have ever experienced physically holding their music, a vinyl record is extremely appealing, mostly due to its simplicity; you don’t have to worry about queuing up the next song or creating the perfect playlist, all you have to do is listen to the music.


We aren’t talking about high-dollar antiques or rare pieces of art, the joy of collecting can be found in bookmarks, postcards, dried flowers, matchbooks, or movie tickets. When it comes to starting a collection, it’s all about connecting a memory of past life to an object and then displaying those objects proudly.

Photo Credit: Blushrougette

Pens and Stationery

If you’re on TikTok, there’s a chance you’ve come across the platform focused on how to utilize planners, calendars, sticky notes, and pens, otherwise known as #stationeryaddict. People have discovered just how powerful pen and paper can be and they’re really letting their creativity flow and adding their personal touch to how they communicate.

Sending Letters and Postcards

Speaking of pens and stationery, when was the last time you mailed or received a letter or postcard? Compared to texts, phone calls, voice notes, Facetime, DMs, and snaps, letters, and postcards are in a word, simply more special to give and receive.

Film Cameras

Most of our smartphones are probably full of unused photos just taking up space, but when it comes to a disposable camera, you have a limited number of opportunities to capture the moment(s). Not only is there an element of suspense, but photos usually come out a little blurry, a bit dim, and perfectly retro. There’s something gratifying about dropping off the film, waiting for the photos to be developed, then flipping through the copies. The draw to film cameras lies in the simplicity of it all – there’s no app, no algorithm, and no reason to be online.

Print Books and Magazines

We saved the best for last – physical books and magazines. Nothing quite compares to the feeling of a book in your hand, dog-earring pages, folding back the cover of a worn paperback, seeing how far you’ve gotten in your book, and filling any (and all of) the bookshelves you have.

Photo Credit: Clay Banks

Magazines have also made a comeback in recent years which can be attributed to full-bleed photos, varied fonts, colorful illustrations, and the want to create mood boards. Creating mood boards using print magazines allows the experience to be totally immersive and all the more powerful.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating one or more of these analog activities may seem tedious or like a waste of time, but the truth is, they’re all part of the human experience and part of what makes life so interesting. Don’t get us wrong, hustle and productivity aren’t a waste of time, but make sure to do something tricky or “the hard way” every now and then. Think of it like this: in a world of electricity, why do we still light candles in our homes?

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