
Author: Odessa



The Old Cincinnati Library, once hailed as a symbol of architectural grandeur, met its demise in 1955. Discover the compelling reasons behind its demolition, from its initial conception as an Opera House to its transformation into a celebrated library, and the circumstances that ultimately led to its destruction.


Mohammed Aziz, a 71-year-old bookseller located in Rabat Medina, Morocco, spends 6 to 8 hours a day reading books. Having read over 5000 books in French, Arabic, and English, he remains the oldest bookseller in Rabat after more than 43 years in the same location. But his mission goes beyond just selling books.


London’s phone booths. Iconic. And awfully sad that phone booth have become redundant in the age of smartphones. But not to this man… who turned them into a bibliophile’s dream.


Embark on a captivating journey through mesmerizing artworks that bring the magic of reading to life. From the eager anticipation in Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s piece to the thought-provoking commentary by Kerry James Marshall, each painting reveals how literature can transform us across different cultures and time periods.


Mychal Threets, fondly known as “Mychal the Librarian,” is on the brink of a groundbreaking collaboration with PBS Kids that promises to ignite the imaginations of children and families alike. This dynamic supervising librarian from the Fairfield Civic Center Library has captured hearts with his infectious enthusiasm for literature and libraries, and now he’s set …


A lot of us have a love-hate relationship with Winter. We anticipate cozy nights by the fire with a good book, sipping comforting delicious winter warmers, snuggled into wooly socks and heated blankets, whilst awaiting the first settled snow on the ground. Early nights seem inviting. Eventually, however, the cold winter nights become dark and …


In an era dominated by digital technology and instant gratification, the traditional library might seem like a relic of the past. However, there’s a growing trend among millennials and Generation Z to return to the library, seeking more than just books. These younger generations are rediscovering the profound value that libraries offer in an increasingly …


Aah. The sound of rain. Is there anything more inviting for a book lover but a rainy day to stay home, cozy it up with a warm blanket, a hot cup of cocoa, a candlelit ambiance and a book. Sadly, as we enter Spring, we’re saying goodbye to the rainy season to make way for …


“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.” As bookworms, bibliophiles, or ravenous readers — whichever term you choose for yourself — don’t we experience so many mind-blowing realities? The Dune books by Frank Herbert have often been described as life changing or at least modifying readers’ outlook on …


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