
Author: Odessa



A pile of old books

I love a used bookstore. An old windowed door tucked into an unassuming city block, worn carpet with faded caution tape marking unexpected stairs between rooms full to bursting with shelves and tables of books. Here and there, barely used hardcovers almost shimmer; small beacons amidst volumes that have settled into the distinctive yellow of …


Springtime brings with it a celebration that unites the globe: International Children’s Book Day. Originating in 1967, this cherished tradition is primarily celebrated by schools and libraries, which each year a wide range of creative programs are put in place to spark a passion for reading among young minds. For them, books serve as an …


In a heartwarming display of creativity and compassion, the Worcester Public Library in Massachusetts has introduced an innovative solution to address overdue fines: cat pictures. Launching the “March Meowness” campaign, this initiative not only aims to alleviate outstanding fees but also fosters a sense of community engagement, inclusivity and shared feline admiration among book lovers.


Reading has an entire host of ways in which it is beneficial to our self-growth, from de-stressing while escaping reality to improving memory and concentration. Which begs the question: if reading is so good for us, why is reading worldwide on the decline? We could all benefit from reading more!


Imagine: You’re curled up in your reading nook with an inviting novel. As you become engrossed in the story, imagination takes centre stage. You’re transported to another realm, swept up in the delight of the story, and reality fades away. That is the essence of “Elysian.”


Books, in their quiet, steadfast presence, invite us to explore worlds both far-reaching and intimately close. From the icy expanses of polar lands to the lush density of jungle trees, each book is a vessel, a train, a zoo, or a garden waiting to be discovered. As the captains of our own adventures, we chart …


For any bookworm, your bookshelf is more than just a piece of furniture; it is an extension of your reading personality, a way to showcase your favourite novels and ever-growing collection. A well-organised bookshelf is a beautiful thing; it should be practical, strategically use space, and be visually appealing all at once. From colour-coded chaos …


We readers and linguaphiles often find ourselves pausing to appreciate a particularly beautiful word or phrase. We savor the feel of it in our mouths, rather like a gourmand at a five-star Michelin restaurant. We hold it up to the light to see the colors it reflects; we note it down to include in a …


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